
How To Tell If Your Orchid Needs Water

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Orchids are popular as houseplants, and wonderful varieties tin be plant in nurseries and garden centers. In the wild, orchids grow on trees, and their roots are exposed to sun and air and water. Potted orchids require special watering that mimics their natural environment. Water orchids sparingly, when their soil is most dry out.

  1. 1

    Water sparingly. No orchid variety needs to be watered every solar day. In fact, overwatering can cause an orchid's roots to rot and somewhen die.[1] Different many houseplants, orchids should just exist watered when they begin to dry out. Watering just when they're near dry mimics an orchid's natural environment.

    • Some orchids accept water-storing organs, and some practise not. If you have a type of orchid that has the ability to shop h2o, such every bit cattleyas or oncidiums, you should allow the orchid to completely dry out out before watering. If y'all have a type of orchid that does not have water-storing organs, such as phalaenopsis or paphiopedilums, y'all should water the orchid earlier it is entirely dry.
    • If you're not sure what type of orchid you lot have, plan to water the orchid when it is nearly dry, only withal has just a fleck of moisture left.
  2. 2

    Consider your climate. The frequency with which you lot water orchids is affected by the level of humidity in your climate, also as the corporeality of lord's day the orchid gets and the temperature of the air. Since these factors vary according to region and household, in that location's no rule for how ofttimes to water an orchid. You'll have to develop a routine catered to your specific environment.

    • If the temperature is cool in your home, your orchid volition need to be watered less frequently than when the temperature is warm.
    • If the orchid is in a sunny window, it will demand to be watered more often than if you place it in a shadier spot.


  3. three

    Come across if the potting mix looks dry out. This is the start indication that information technology might be time to water the orchid. Orchid potting mix is normally composed of bark or moss, and if it looks dry and dusty, it might be time to water. However, just looking at the potting mix won't give yous an accurate plenty indication every bit to whether information technology'south time to water.

  4. 4

    Lift the pot to check its weight. The pot will feel lighter when information technology's time to water the orchid. If information technology's heavy, that means there's nevertheless water in the pot. Over time, you'll get a sense of how heavy the pot feels when the orchid needs water versus how heavy it feels when information technology withal has moisture inside.

    • A pot that still contains moisture might expect unlike, as well. If your orchid is in a dirt pot, it will wait darker when it'due south still wet. If information technology'due south lite in color, information technology might exist fourth dimension for a watering.
  5. five

    Practice a finger test. This is the all-time fashion to determine whether an orchid needs more water. Stick your pinky finger into the potting mix, taking care not to disturb the orchid'south roots. If y'all don't feel any moisture, or you experience just a little, it's fourth dimension to h2o the orchid. If you feel moist potting mix correct abroad, give it more time. When in doubt, you should wait an extra day.

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  1. one

    Make sure the pot has drainage holes. You tin can't properly water an orchid unless information technology has holes through which the h2o can drain. Water sitting in the pot will crusade the roots to rot, so it needs to be able to bleed through the bottom. If you bought an orchid that came in an ornamental pot without holes, repot the orchid in one with adequate holes in the lesser. Use an orchid potting mix instead of regular potting soil.

    • Await for special pots designed for growing orchids. These pots are commonly made out of terracotta dirt and have extra drainage holes in the sides. You should be able to observe them in the same department as other planters.
    • If y'all only desire a quick mode to h2o your orchid without having to transplant the orchid, you tin can use the ice cube method. Put the equivalent of ane/4 loving cup (59 ml) of frozen water (usually about three medium water ice cubes) on height of the potting mix. Make sure that the ice never comes in contact with the orchid itself - information technology should but touch the soil. Allow the ice cubes melt into the pot. Wait nearly a week before yous do it again. This method is non optimal for the long-term health of the orchid, so only employ it as a temporary solution.[2]
  2. 2

    Run the orchid under water. The easiest way to h2o an orchid is to concur it under a faucet and run it under room temperature water. If yous have an attachment that allows y'all to diffuse the water, rather than just running it in one strong stream, that's meliorate for the orchid. H2o the orchid this fashion for a full minute, assuasive the water to seep through the pot and come out the holes in the lesser.[3]

    • Practise non employ water that has been softened or treated with harsh chemicals. If yous have a special orchid species, see if you can utilize distilled water or rainwater.
    • The water should cascade quickly through the pot. If it seems to be getting stuck in the pot, the potting mix you're using might be as well dense.
    • Subsequently watering the orchid, cheque the weight of the pot so you lot'll exist able to tell the difference when the pot gets lighter and the orchid is ready to be watered again.
  3. three

    H2o in the forenoon or afternoon. That way the excess water will have plenty of fourth dimension to evaporate before it gets dark. If h2o sits on the institute overnight, it tin can cause rotting to occur or go out the establish decumbent to diseases.

    • If you run across excess water sitting on the leaves, wipe information technology off with a newspaper towel.
    • A few minutes later watering, bank check the saucer and empty it out so no water sits virtually the orchid.
  4. 4

    Mist your orchid. Since orchids thrive in humidity, misting your orchid is a great way to go along it good for you, especially since it prevents the roots from drying out. Fill a spray bottle with water, and so spritz the found a few times a twenty-four hour period. How often you mist the orchid depends on the environment where you live. Drier environments will require more misting, while damp climates may require misting daily.[4]

    • If you don't know if your orchid needs some other mist, check to see if information technology feels dry.
    • Don't let water collect on the leaves.
    • Yous can find a spray bottle in well-nigh section stores or online.
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  • Question

    Is it okay if I set my orchid which is in a plastic pot with drainage holes in the bottom into a ceramic found pot with water in it?

    Community Answer

    Merely for about v minutes. Then elevator the draining pot out until it drains, re-inserting after dripping stops.

  • Question

    Can I water my orchid from underneath?

    Community Answer

    Aye. Put your pot in a bowl of water for virtually 5 minutes earlier removing information technology. The water will come up upwards through the drainage holes to water your orchid. Be sure to let all the excessive h2o drain from the pot. Do this once a week; practice not over h2o your orchid.

  • Question

    Can I put the ice cube back in the pot if I employ the ice cube method?

    Community Answer

    I've used this method a lot, but take never removed the ice. I usually identify 2-3 water ice cubes on peak of moss on the outer edge, and allow them melt completely.

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  • When an orchid is blooming or putting out lots of new leaves and roots, information technology will use more water.

  • When an orchid is resting between bloom periods, it volition use less water. This is generally late fall and early to mid-winter, depending on the species.

  • Orchid medium is coarse and porous allowing for skilful airflow to the orchid roots only still assuasive them to retain some moisture. The easiest style to go a good orchid medium is to buy it pre-mixed from a good nursery.


  • If you utilise water-soluble fertilizers, salts may build upward on the medium or the pot and eventually harm the orchid. Do not apply fertilizer with every watering.

  • An orchid will die rapidly in a pot submerged in water.

  • If you pour h2o over flowers of an orchid modest spots of mold will appear on the flowers. This doesn't harm the orchid but information technology spoils it'south looks.

  • An orchid whose leaves look wilted or limp can be suffering from either too much water, which rots the roots and makes water unavailable to the leaves, or it tin can exist too dry. Check by touching the medium earlier watering.

  • Don't let water collect on the leaves of your orchid considering it could cause bacterial growth and rot.[5]


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Article Summary X

To water orchids, wait until they're well-nigh dry and then water sparingly to mimic their natural environment. Look at the potting soil for the first indication of how dry the orchid is. If the soil looks dry out and dusty, it may be time to water. When watering your orchid, make sure the pot has drainage holes. And so, run the orchid nether a faucet for a full infinitesimal, allowing the water to seep into the pot and come up out of the holes. H2o in the afternoon to requite the moisture time to evaporate earlier dark. Proceed reading for tips on misting your orchid from our Horticulturalist reviewer.

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