
How To Stop Water Seepage In Brick Wall

Seepage of water is water seeping through wall or h2o flowing from one place to another because of presence of small holes due to any breakage or because of porous materials. Seepage in wall is one of the most mutual structural issues, faced by most of the domicile owners in India.

Seepage of water

Seepage of water: How to prevent water seepage in walls

Water seepage in wall

The harm acquired by seepage of water is virtually irreparable and has to be cured every flavor through repainting. However, troubles of water seepage in wall could be avoided if proper precautions are taken during the construction. This will not just relieve a lot of coin but will also go along the structural force of your construction intact. Here is everything y'all need to know well-nigh seepage in wall and how to stop water leakage from wall in India?

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Water seepage causes

Seepage of water: How to prevent water seepage in walls

Seepage in wall may be because of use of inferior raw materials during construction or not taking the h2o proofing measures seriously during the process of construction.  As the external walls of the concrete structure are exposed to the weather, prolonged contact with the rainwater can lead to cracks in the outer covering, giving way to h2o and wet seepage in wall. This seepage in wall makes the walls damp. If seepage in wall is non treated in time, this dampness seeps into the interiors, ruining the wall paint.

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Some of the other reasons that result in seepage in wall are:

Seepage of water: How to prevent water seepage in walls

1. Leakage in sewage lines, bath, kitchen or the water tank can lead to seepage in wall.

ii. Leakage in lines which are for water supply, bathroom sanitary fittings and drainage pipes can lead to seepage in wall.

3. Water leaking in the bathroom tiles tin lead to seepage in wall.

4. Faulty plumbing works in a i'southward house can pb to severe seepage in wall.

Seepage in wall

five. Absence of plastering in the outer walls of buildings can atomic number 82 to seepage in wall.

vi. Ground moisture that rises up leads to seepage in wall and floors.

7. Absence of drainage pipes leading to water accumulation can on the roof or balcony can lead to seepage in wall.

viii. Seepage in walls could be due to faulty window frames or liners too. Broken caulking at the window seams, insufficient paint seal along the edges of the drinking glass and cracked putty betwixt panes, can all lead to water trickling and crusade seelan or dampness.

How to avoid water seepage?

See also: Ways to rain-proof your home

Seepage in wall: Ill effects of it in your house

How to prevent water seepage through walls

Seepage in wall has damaging effects both on the advent of the house and your wellness. While a house with heavy seepage in walls look ugly, information technology also results in dampened walls and floors, thus affecting your health. Seepage in wall spoils the paints, the wall papers and even the tiles in severe cases. This as well really spreads to ruin the furniture (wooden especially) is used heavily at home. Dampened walls also consequence in growth of fungus and moulds, which again impact your health. Seepage in wall is not skilful for the longevity of the construction of the business firm as it eventually impacts the foundation of the house including the iron bar, the bricks etc.

The negative impact of leakage and dampness as per Vastu

Co-ordinate to Vastu Shastra, h2o leakage in the kitchen and bathroom signifies financial loss. Leakage of water from the walls, broken pipeline, dripping taps, or overhead h2o tanks within the dwelling, must be treated at the primeval, as they tin bring financial loss. Damp walls indicate the draining of favourable energy. As per Vastu, leakage or seepage can likewise touch spiritual growth. It is believed that continuous leakage from the roof tin cause unnecessary clashes between the family members. Dampness in the southwest direction of a home is not considered cheering. So, care for dampness at the earliest, for positive energies and overall well-being.

Seepage in wall: How to hide it?

Seepage in wall makes your house await ugly. If you are looking at treating the seepage in wall only want to still muffle it so that it doesn't await ugly, we give you some tricks.

1)  If there is seepage in wall at the lesser, or lower one-half of the wall, you can hide information technology by placing a huge sofa. Be mindful that you don't identify the sofa sticking to the wall and also the fabric of the sofa is neither woods nor iron as they can get afflicted by the seepage in wall.

two)  If seepage in wall is in the upper one-half, you can identify a wall painting frame to hide it.

3)  You can also treat that portion where seepage in wall exists and cover information technology with wallpaper.

4)  Nowadays, vertical gardens are trending and information technology can also help you to encompass the seepage in wall.

Seepage in wall: How to finish water leakage from wall in Bharat? News got in touch with Aarav Master, a Jaipur-based structural engineer, to understand how seepage in wall could exist avoided and treated.

How to detect water seepage in wall at home?

Water seepage

  • Await for water spots-seepage of water on the interior walls of the dwelling house.
  • Check for the source of water seepage in walls. Seepage of h2o could be considering of leaking water tanks, broken water pipelines or old plumbing bug.
  • Inquire your structural engineer to bank check if there is a gap between the walls of your home and the next home, as water seepage in wall is possible through this gap too.
  • Another prominent reason for water seepage is the poor quality of materials used for plastering the exteriors. Talk to the contractor or your builder to understand this aspect and theconstruction quality of your business firm to preclude seepage in wall.

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Seepage in wall: How to treat?

Here are tips from Master, to solve the effect of seepage of water:

Seepage in wall: What to do for interior walls?

Seepage in interior wall begins most the windows or door or the ceiling as these are the places where cracks are seen commencement. Repair the cracks and care for the dampened areas with h2o proof textile and then paint it. Next, build cavity walls as they prevent the seepage in wall from exterior wall to interior wall.

Ane of the chief reasons for seepage of h2o through to the interiors of your home, is the use of poor quality pigment on the walls. These paints allow the wet to seep through the concrete resulting in seepage in wall and thus harm the walls. Currently, the market place is flooded with loftier-quality paints that are water-resistant and contain elements such as silicon that provide actress forcefulness to areas which are most prone to water seepage. Opt for better quality paints afterwards researching and consulting with your structural engineer, to avoid a lifelong hassle of seasonal renovation owing to seepage in wall.

How to prevent water seepage through walls if the construction is already done and at that place are cracks on the walls? You can utilize mortar to seal these cracks. It is a dense material which is also waterproof. For damaged roof or wall tiles, white cement is the all-time possible selection, as it can prevent chipping of paint in a humid climate.

Likewise read: H2o conservation at home

Seepage in wall: What to exercise for exterior walls?

Wall seepage treatment

Exposure of outside walls to harsh atmospheric condition employ of poor quality raw materials results in seepage in wall. These can be treated by:

  1. All the exposed surfaces, such as external walls and boundary walls, should be covered with cement plaster mixed with waterproofing additives, to forbid dampness and seepage in walls.
  2. Using good quality water resistant paints.
  3. Procedure of grunting to be done to waterproof pipes and so that they don't leak.
  4. Repairing exterior cracks immediately to forestall on manage the seepage in wall.

Seepage in wall: How to treat ceilings?

Water seepage in wall

The master reason for seepage in wall through ceilings is the accumulation of water on the roof. And then treat any scissure or blocked pipe in the terrace of the roof to foreclose leakage in wall. If living in an flat, a seepage in ceiling may exist because of a seepage in bath of the residents staying in the house above yours. Get it inspected and treated.

To prevent seepage on top floors or in contained houses, ensure that the terrace floor has a slope that does not allow h2o logging after rains or brackish h2o due to leaking or overflowing h2o storage tanks. Check the terrace floor and parapet wall of the roof and fill up all the cracks nowadays. Then, paint the parapet wall with waterproof paint.

A proper waterproofing solution safeguards the home from water leakages and dampness. There are various ways of waterproofing a roof surface. Opt for the best that suits the house construction.

Seepage in wall: How to treat bathroom leakage?

Seepage in wall in bath can be because of leakage in taps or sanitary fittings. So, mend any leak that exists. Also, gaps in the tiles and cracks on the floor or wall can cause leakage and these should be treated with mortar, cement or other water proof materials.

How to treat floor seepage?

Flooring seepage occurs when there is moisture that rises on the ground and spoils the tiles. Utilise water proof materials for repairing the floor and while doing that make sure that there are no gaps between the tiles on the floor.

During construction, always opt for sturdy water pipes and ensure that the joints are well-sealed. Cheque for leakages in the water tanks and plumbing every six months and conduct an inspection of the drainage system. You tin also hire professionals, who can use proper tools to identify and recommend customised solutions for seepage on wall.

See also: How to protect the exterior walls of your home during monsoons

Treatment of seepage before repainting

Repainting is ofttimes considered a solution to get rid of wall seepage. However, repainting does not treat the root cause of the seepage. When the seepage is severe, it causes h2o to drip from the walls and ceiling. It cannot be fixed with putty and paint only. While this temporarily helps to get rid of damp walls, the solution is not permanent. Present, loftier-quality paints and painting procedures can aid treat dampness on walls. For this, clay and debris take to be removed, cracks filled and waterproof putties should be applied. New range of paints available today, are resistant to h2o and contain silicon that offers the walls extra protection against water seepage.

Seepage in wall: Tips to prevent

Seepage of water: How to prevent water seepage in walls

Source: Pinterest

  • Use exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom to ensure proper ventilation. This is to expel the moisture from the interiors and foreclose seepage in wall.

Seepage of water: How to prevent water seepage in walls

Source: Pinterest

  • Avert drying laundry indoors, as it creates a lot of moisture within the abode. You lot tin can too use dehumidifiers, to remove the moisture from the air thus preventing water seepage in wall.
  • Avoid painting the wall during winters, every bit this can create a lot of dampness within the walls and result in water seepage in wall. Always opt for painting tasks when you can keep the doors and windows open.

Seepage of water: How to prevent water seepage in walls

  • Always make sure that the steam created inside the kitchen is expelled in the shortest possible fourth dimension, to avoid dampness on the walls which may result in water seeping through the wall.

Seepage of water

  • Ensure the window frame inclination enables overflowing rainwater to drain out and not lead to water seepage on the walls. Waterproof the windows before the monsoon. Rubber, cream and vinyl are used as weatherstrips on windows. Choose a material that works best for your window material.

Seepage of water: How to prevent water seepage in walls

  • Keep houseplants similar Boston fernsl, peace lily, areca palm and spider plants every bit they help in removing moisture from the air. These plants reduce humidity and are air purifiers that assistance to improve indoor air quality.


What causes seepage of water in walls?

Seepage of water could be considering of drainage issues, poor construction quality or defective water-proofing textile.

Does ventilation forestall seepage in walls?

Ventilation through entry of proper air and light will prevent walls from getting damp and thus growth of moulds.

Is seepage in wall harmful to one'south health and firm?

Aye, seepage causes growth of moulds and mucus thus affecting ane'southward wellness and these clammy walls eventually affect the structure of the building, thus affecting the structural growth of the business firm.

(With inputs from Purnima Goswami Sharma)

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How To Stop Water Seepage In Brick Wall,


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